Part 1
At Qumran in 1947, there were apocalyptic scrolls found, and among them the Books of Jubilees and the Second Mikdash writings of Enoch I which discuss the calendar and dating system by which these people lived. Scholars had been attentive of the Apocryphal Calendar before this find, but interest was renewed with the discovery of these scrolls by which the Qumran sect lived. It is based on 364 days per year. The year is divided into four periods (to correspond to the four seasons of the year), of 13 weeks or 91 days in each period. There are 12 months in each year or a total of 52 weeks. By using this exact measure and beginning the year on the Wednesday just after the vernal equinox, the holy days fall exactly on the same day, in the same month, every year.
This calendar warrants extensive study, as there are now numerous proofs it was the calendar used by Abraham, King Solomon, King David, and High Priest Zadok in the First Holy Mikdash. A different calendar was used in the Second Commonwealth, but that Mikdash had no Presence, no Ark of the Covenant, and no means for its apostate priesthood to communicate directly with Hashem. In fact, it is recorded that 300 high priests during the second Mikdash period, died when they went into the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur. Something, perhaps many things, were wrong with the Second Mikdash.
The name Sadducee is derived from that of Zadok, the high priest of the Jerusalem Mikdash in the time of Solomon. But what proof have we that these Zaddikim were, in fact the rightful priesthood, expelled from the Mikdash by an apostate sect? What proof have they offered to us that their laws and customs bear the mark of authenticity?
Proof of the Zaddikim's authenticity lies in the evidence that they were the keepers of the true implements of the Mikdash from the First Temple (Mikdash). Since the time of King Solomon, virtually without interruption up until the time of the Hasmonean Revolt, the Zadokite Priests had been in control of the Jerusalem Mikdash. They trace their ancestry back to the high priest Zadok, who officiated in King Solomon's Mikdash. It was members of this group who were to become known as Sadducees to the Pharisees. In other words, the Sadducees were the priestly aristocracy, The prophet Ezekiel (Ezek. 44:9-16) assigned the priestly duties exclusively to this family.
This means that the Dynasty of Zadok, the First High Priest in the Mikdash, will be restored. These items would include such items as the Mikdash incense, the anointing oil of the priesthood, and perhaps the Ark of the Covenant.Read More...
Welcome Mishpochah!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Hebrew Word Study - Faith
Faith 'e mu na h
"Feminine of H529; literally firmness; figuratively security; moral fidelity: - faith (-ful, -ly, -ness, [man]), set office, stability, steady, truly, truth, verily."
The Hebrew word translated as faith is אמון , and is pronounced Emunah.
To understand the meaning we have to look at the root word. The Hebrew root aman means firm, something that is supported or secure. The word emunah is derived from the root word aman, meaning firm. When the Hebrew word emunah is translated as faith, there is a misconception of its meaning. Faith is usually thought to mean "knowing", but in Hebrew emunah is a firm action. To have faith in the Sovereign is not knowing that He exists or knowing that He will act. It means rather that the one with emunah will act with firmness toward the Sovereign's will. This means he wants the Sovereign's will because he knows the Sovereign's will is life-ward and leads him on the correct path.
As can be readily seen, the "literal" root meaning of the word "faith" in Hebrew is "firmness." Read more....

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sirach 15
(Sir 15:11) Do not say, "Because of the ETERNAL I left the right way"; for he will not do what he hates.
(Sir 15:12) Do not say, "It was he who led me astray"; for he had no need of a sinful man.
(Sir 15:13) The ETERNAL hates all abominations, and they are not loved by those who fear him.
(Sir 15:14) It was he who created man in the beginning, and he left him in the power of his own inclination.
(Sir 15:15) If you will, you can keep the commandments, and to act faithfully is a matter of your own choice.
(Sir 15:16) He has placed before you fire and water: stretch out your hand for whichever you wish.
(Sir 15:17) Before a man are life and death, and whichever he chooses will be given to him.
(Sir 15:18) For great is the wisdom of the ETERNAL; he is mighty in power and sees everything;
(Sir 15:19) his eyes are on those who fear him, and he knows every deed of man.
(Sir 15:20) He has not commanded any one to be unrighteous, and he has not given anyone permission to sin.
New Podcast Postings!
Shalom chaverim,
I know that you have asked many times about the Bayith HaTorah Podcast page and when the new recordings would be uploaded. Well, today is the day. I uploaded 13 conference studies to the Podcast page. Yea!!!
There are a variety of topics covered and truely you will be challenged in your current beliefs. Visit Bayith HaTorah's Podcast page at: Be sure to leave us a comment and feel free to email us your questions at:
We invite you to join us on Shabbat morning at 11am (est) for Shabbat fellowship. If you don't have a regular place that feeds you true Torah, you will find our services a breath of fresh manna.
May the Sovereign of the universe grant you continued Shalom.
Morah Usher, Bayith HaTorah
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