Welcome Mishpochah!

Todah (thanks) for visiting the NEW Bayith HaTorah Blog. We will post some of the wonderful teachings from our Shabbat services as well as, our weekly conference studies. You have the option of joining us for Live study weekly. Moreh B and Morah Usher will challenge your traditional beliefs and lead you into new and fresh insights of the Torah.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Shabbat Day!

The Shabbat is one of the most important celebrations for the Torah observant Hebrew and yet we have so many different understandings on when and how to keep it. There are those that keep Shabbat from sixth night (erev shabbat - Friday evening) until sunset seventh night (Saturday evening) and others that keep Shabbat on seventh day (Saturday) from sunrise to sunset and even those that call the first day (Sunday) the Shabbat. How could such an important command be so difficult to observe the way our Sovereign desires. We have come to understand that this topic is yet another misconception that we learned from those that should have kept the Torah alive in the earth.
Before we proceed to describe the ceremonies of the entrance of the Shabbat we must ascertain the exact time of its appearance, that is, at what time of the day the arrival of the Shabbat was expected. This will help us to understand better certain features in the arrangements for welcoming it. As the Shabbat is the seventh day of the week and extends over one whole day, a brief discussion of the development of the Jewish system of reckoning the day is necessary to determine the time of the coming in and the going out of the Shabbbat. There can be no doubt that in pre-exilic times the Israelites reckoned the day from morning to morning. The day began with the dawn and closed with the end of the night following it, i.e, with the last moment before the dawn of the next morning. The very description of the extent of the day in the biblical account of creation as given in Gen 1.5 presupposes such a system of reckoning the day, for it says: "And it was evening and it was morning, one day." This passage was misunderstood by the Talmud.
Ancient, medieval, and modern commentators on the Bible disagree over the meaning of Genesis 1:5: . . . there was evening and there was morning, one day.
Shmuel ben Meir (c.1085 - c.1158), also known as Rashbam learned from his grandfather Rashi. Rashbam was a biblical commentator and Talmudist with his commentary on the Torah renowned for its stress on the plain meaning (peshat) of the text.

Here is his commentary on Genesis (bold emphasis mine)
Rashbam's Genesis
1. To remind the Jewish people of the reason for the observance of the Shabbat as described in the Ten Commandments, Moses told the story of creation: At the time when the upper heavens and the earth had already been created, a long or a short time before the acts related in Genesis,
2. the earth as we know it was completely empty, for water covered it up to the upper heavens. Darkness that was not night was over the depths, and there was no light in the heavens. A wind blew across the waters.
3. Elohim said, "Let there be light" to correct the lack of light, and there was light.
4. Elohim looked at the light and saw that it was beautiful. Elohim divided the light into a unit of twelve hours and the darkness into a unit of twelve hours.
5. Elohim named the newly-formed unit of twelve hours of light "day" and the newly-formed unit of twelve hours of darkness "night," and they have been so called ever since, day always precedes night. Daylight turned to evening as its light faded; then, morning broke as the morning star signaled the end of night. The first of the six days of creation referred to in the Ten Commandments was, thus, completed and the second day began.
6. Elohim said, "Let there be an expanse in the middle of the waters which reach fromthe surface of the earth up to the upper heavens to divide the waters in half."
7. Elohim made the expanse and divided the waters below the expanse from the waters above the expanse; and it has been so ever since.
8. Elohim named the expanse "heaven" and it has been so called ever since. Daylight turned to evening as its light faded; then, morning broke as the morning star signaled the end of night. The second of the six days of creation referred to in the Ten Commandments was, thus, completed and the third day began.
verse 14
14. Elohim said, "Let there be bodies of light in the expanse which is below the upper heavens to signal the actual division of day from night, which is sunset and the appearance of the stars, and night from day, which is sunrise. Let them also be used to indicate miraculous signs, to calculate the holidays and the calendar, to mark the beginning and end of day and night, and to delineate the four seasons of the year.
15. Let them also be bodies of light in the expanse which is below the upper heavens to be a source of light for the earth"; and it has been so ever since.
16. Elohim made the two large bodies of light, the larger to rule the day and the smaller to rule the night, the stars.
17. Elohim put them in the heaven which is below the upper heavens to give light to the earth,
18. to rule during the day and the night, and to signal the beginning of day with the rising of the sun and the beginning of night with the setting of the sun and the appearance of the stars. Elohim looked at the heavenly bodies and saw that they were beautiful.
As we can see from these passages, the ETERNAL created during the day-light hours, when work is to be completed, and rested in the evening. There is a progression from Morning - afternoon - evening - nightfall and then back to morning. A Complete Day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Canaan to Israel

From Canaan to Israel
When did the title become the land of Israel and not the people of Israel?

They are called the people with children of Israel, but never the land.


2 Kings 52:4

2 Kings 6:23

In all of these Scriptures the land is really the word for territory as in tribal territory

Ezekiel 7:2

Ezekiel 12:19

Ezekiel 21:3

Prophecy against the land is equal to the people it was never the land but the people that ETERNAL wanted to dwell with.

Genesis 15:18 – 21

The land/ country to all the descendents of Abraham.

NOTE* In some translations there are a few added words, namely, "the land of". These words are not a part of the text but was added by the readactor. The descendants are the nations named in this passage.

Zionism and the Land

Can you imagine for a moment the absolute horror one would experience if another group of people came to your home, with an army carrying guns, and forced you and your family out! No time to pack, no opportunity to gather your belongings, just OUT! I am a Hebrew believer in the Torah of the ETERNAL ONE of the Upright and I live out the instructions found in the Torah to the best of my ability; however, I can not find the command that gives any group of people, thousands of years after the fact, the right to kill, steal and destroy another people. Where is THAT in the true TORAH of our ETERNAL? 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Enochian Calendar June & July 2012

1st Yom Rishon

2nd Yom Sheni

3rd Yom Shlishi
4th Yom Revi’i
5th Yom Chamishi
6th Yom Shishi
7th Yom Shabbat


Psalm 1-9


Psalm 10-17


Psalm 18-22


Psalm 23-28


Psalm 29-34


Psalm 35-38


Psalm 39-43


Psalm 44-48


Psalm 49-54


Psalm 55-59


Psalm 60-65


Psalm 66-68


Psalm 69-71


Psalm 72-76


Psalm 77-78


Psalm 79-82
Fast begins tonight
17 The FAST
21 days of Sorrow
Psalm 83-87


Psalm 88-89


Psalm 90-96


Psalm 97-103


Psalm 104-105


Psalm 106-107


Psalm 108-112


Psalm 113-118


Psalm 119:1-96


Psalm 119:97-176


Psalm 120-124


Psalm 125-139


Psalm 140-144


Psalm 145-150


Friday, June 15, 2012

Erev Shabbat is Prepration day

Today is preparation day! I hope that you are preparing your heart, your mind and your spirit to experience a wonderful celebration on the day of rest that the ETERNAL has set apart.
We are preparing our home, our shul and our minds to be in the presence of the ETERNAL Sovereign.

If you would like to study with us this Erev Shabbat, please feel free to join us by logging on at 8pm (est) to the Bayith HaTorah conference study.
Phone: 760-569-7676 Conference Code: 224651
I pray that the Ruach of the ETERNAL meet you in your place of fellowship.

Erev Tov and Shabbat Shalom mishpochah!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Torah Talk Truth! We are back...

Bayith HaTorah is updating the blog!

We have not blogged since Sukkot but now we are bringing useful information, updated Torah teachings and we want to share what we have learned. We chose to take some time to clear our understanding concerning many of the things that we had learned. There are so many doctrines and dogma that have crepe into the truth of Torah, that it was necessary for us to Stop! Reflex! And now we are Back with some new truths that I believe will turn the traditional Torah community on it's proverbial heels.

The tab headings on the blog will change to indicate the new truths that we want to share here. We will take one topic at a time and dissect it down to the bare bones. Looking historically from a Torah perspective at the lying pen of the scribes that Yerimeyahu speaks of.

Jeremiah 8:8 8 How do you say, We are wise, and the law of the ETERNAL is with us? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has worked falsely.
I have always attributed this statement to the lies of xtianity but howso; xtianity did not exist when the prophet wrote this. And since when did the writers of xtianity doctrines use scribes? Never! This passage is speaking of the Jewish scribes of Yerimeyahu's day. Is it possible that we have inherited the lies/falsehoods of these writers?

Jeremiah 16:19 19 ETERNAL, my strength, and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of affliction, to you shall the nations come from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Our fathers have inherited nothing but lies, [even] vanity and things in which there is no profit.

The answer is a resounding YES! We have surely inherited the lies of the false pen of the scribes. That's not possible, you say. We will delve into the text and history and find that it is very true.

Now that we feel that we can share some of the truths that we have found by the leading of the Ruach of the ETERNAL SOVEREIGN, we will share on every platform that is available to us.
* Bayith HaTorah on Twitter
* Bayith HaTorah on Blogtalkradio
* Bayith HaTorah on YouTube
* Bayith HaTorah on Facebook
 We also ask that you, the reader and Torah student, share this information as well.

Look for the first installation of Torah Talk Truths soon. Invite others to share this blog with us and be sure to email us any questions or comments at: BayithHaTorah@yahoo.com

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Will of FIRE- Tovia and Gucci Rabbi's New Release

Will of Fire has a New Release! "Heart, Mind and Soul" by Tovia! Take a listen and be sure to leave us your comments. The single may be purchased from "Living Hebrew Productions"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Bible Unearthed! The Exodus

Did the Exodus take place as told in the scriptures? What do you think of this documentary's information concerning the Exodus?
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