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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Canaan to Israel

From Canaan to Israel
When did the title become the land of Israel and not the people of Israel?

They are called the people with children of Israel, but never the land.


2 Kings 52:4

2 Kings 6:23

In all of these Scriptures the land is really the word for territory as in tribal territory

Ezekiel 7:2

Ezekiel 12:19

Ezekiel 21:3

Prophecy against the land is equal to the people it was never the land but the people that ETERNAL wanted to dwell with.

Genesis 15:18 – 21

The land/ country to all the descendents of Abraham.

NOTE* In some translations there are a few added words, namely, "the land of". These words are not a part of the text but was added by the readactor. The descendants are the nations named in this passage.

Zionism and the Land

Can you imagine for a moment the absolute horror one would experience if another group of people came to your home, with an army carrying guns, and forced you and your family out! No time to pack, no opportunity to gather your belongings, just OUT! I am a Hebrew believer in the Torah of the ETERNAL ONE of the Upright and I live out the instructions found in the Torah to the best of my ability; however, I can not find the command that gives any group of people, thousands of years after the fact, the right to kill, steal and destroy another people. Where is THAT in the true TORAH of our ETERNAL? 
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